Guidelines on the scores of the Biology master's degree.
Guidelines on the scores of the Biology master's degree.
The Academic Board of the study courses of the degree classes in the Biology sector has set guidelines on the scores of the master’s degree.
The evaluation of the thesis path of the graduating student takes into account the following elements:
a) quality of the student's contribution to the research object of the thesis, both in relation to the student's personal contribution to the design and experimental content, and in relation to the written (thesis dissertation) and oral (thesis presentation) presentation skills,
b) ability to answer to questions/requests for clarification proposed to the candidate during the discussion stage,
c) general performance of the student during the internship.
Scores are assigned according to the following evaluation table:
9 points | excellent |
8 points | very good/excellent |
7 points | good |
5-6 points | fair |
3-4 points | satisfactory |
1-2 points | sufficient |
Students who have carried out their thesis internship abroad or have attended at least 3 courses abroad and passed the exams, are awarded with 1 additional point (within the 9 points available), as an incentive and recognition.
Honors* can only be proposed by the President of the Committee for those students who exceed the overall score of 110/110 and who fully satisfy points a, b and c, and can only be attributed with the unanimous opinion of the Committee.
*N.B.: the presence of any honors in the career does not mean the automatic attribution of honor, even exceeding the score of 110/110, just as the absence of honors does not prevent the possibility of attributing it, if all the conditions above are satisfied.